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Redlands Unified School District

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Language Assessment Process

Enrollment Center Hours

The Enrollment Center has returned to normal hours and open to Public between 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Registrations are accepted from 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.

Language Assessment Process

English Language Assessment is required for certain K-12 students new to the District.

Upon enrolling, all parents complete a Home Language Survey for their students. If a language other than English is spoken in the home, that student must be screened for English language proficiency according to California State Department of Education requirements.This process is not optional. If, however, the student is enrolling from another school within California and has already been assessed by the prior district, a new, initial assessment may not be necessary.

Since the results of this screening process for students in grades 9-12 provide the staff with information which may or may not indicate the need for English language development assistance, we must conduct the assessment prior to the student’s placement in school.

  • The testing process for grades K-1 takes a maximum of 45 minutes.
  • The testing process for grades 2-12 may take up to 2.5 hours.

Each student is tested individually. Results of the assessment will be shared with the parent or guardian. You will leave the session with program and testing information.

For further information regarding the Language Assessment process, please call (909) 307-5568.