Facilities Planning
Welcome to Facilities Planning
Facilities Planning Services
- New Schools
- Modernization Projects
- School Boundary Maps
- Developer Fees/School Facility Fees
- Application Facility Fees
- REVHS Stadium Updates
Mello Roos
Community Facilities District Information
Visit www.specialtaxinfo.com/redlandsusd to view or obtain CFD-related information relevant to your property. You can enter your assessor’s parcel number and obtain the current year’s tax amount, the property address, community facilities district number, and the final year of the tax.
Pursuant to Government Code 53343.2 (AB 1666), commencing with the fiscal year ending July 1, 2017 certain annual and periodic reports must be posted on a website and available to the public. These reports can be found by clicking on the button entitled “TRANSPARENCY” which is located at http://www.specialtaxinfo.com/redlandsusd/#reports
Ken Morse
Coordinator, Operations and Facilities Planning
(909) 748-6730