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Redlands Unified School District

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Peachjar Uploading Requirements


  • Must be in PDF format
  • Contain the name and the contact information of the sponsoring entity
  • Include accurate date and time
  • Contain clip art only - no images of RUSD students
  • Cannot exceed 50 MB in file size
  • Must be 1-4 pages in length in one PDF file
  • Create your flyer on an 8.5" x 11" document in portrait orientation.
  • Embedded links within a flyer are not supported. However, there are opportunities to add additional information (eg. phone number, website, email, app, donate) during the uploading process by using a call-to-action.
  • District uploaders are required to upload flyers in both English and Spanish
  • Per Ed Code 48985, school uploaders, enrichment providers and community organizations shall upload 1 PDF flyer in English and Spanish for district-wide distribution at any of the following schools (school list will be updated annually):
    • Citrus Valley High School
    • Clement Middle School
    • Lugonia Elementary School
    • Moore Middle School
    • Orangewood High School
    • Redlands East Valley High School
    • Victoria Elementary School


For ADA purposes:

  • Fonts should be clear and legible and in size 12pt or larger.
  • Scanned or copied documents will not be approved.
  • Your flyer's text will be copied into a description box. However, this software may require you to manually add the text to the description box for visually impaired readers.If you are providing your flyer in multiple languages, merge the flyers together into a single PDF with English on the first page.

Additionally, please carefully review each school district's flyer guidelines to expedite the flyer approval process and to make sure your flyer is in compliance with district-specific requirements.