Academic Case Carriers
Academic Case Carrier Program
The Academic Case Carrier Program was established in 2016 as part of the District’s LCAP. Its purpose is to support our District’s most at-promise secondary students.
The goals of this program include:
- Ensuring the student is in the best position to earn a high school diploma
- Assisting with and connecting the students to post-secondary career and educational opportunities
- Cutting through the red tape of the academic system
- Making a difference in the education of at-promise students
We encourage you to reach out to the ACC located in the School Counseling office of each middle and high school for information specific to the school site.
For more information about the program, Contact the District ACC office through Redlands Coordinate Supports and Services at 909.389.2750 or CONTACT OUR OFFICE VIA EMAIL
Academic Case Carrier Program Description
The Academic Case Carrier Program is specifically tailored to enhance the academic achievement of targeted populations, including students experiencing homelessness, those in the state foster care system, and justice-involved youth. These students receive additional academic and/or social and emotional support beyond what is typically offered by school counselors. Academic Case Carriers manage a caseload of approximately 50 at-promise students, establishing connections, providing crucial information, and advocating on their behalf.
Furthermore, Academic Case Carriers prioritize improving outcomes for foster and at-promise youth through initial and ongoing assessments. They collaborate closely with school counselors at middle and high schools to identify student needs and monitor progress. Facilitating tutoring services, engaging with teachers and staff, and guiding students toward future pathways—whether college, technical careers, or military service—are integral parts of their role.
Each Academic Case Carrier serves as a dedicated advocate for a small group of foster and at-promise youth, ensuring tailored support and guidance throughout their educational journey.
The role of the Academic Case Carriers will be to:
- Connect students to school, district, and community resources
- Work with families, Educational Rights Holders, parents and guardians regarding academic and support strategies
- Ensure important service providers are included in school meetings
- Follow up on Special Education services and modifications (when applicable)
Additionally, Academic Case Carriers will:
- Work with site and district athletic directors to ensure students have the opportunity to try out for sports
- Work with site ASB Directors and counselors to ensure students have the opportunity to participate in co-curricular activities, clubs, etc.
ACC Resources
Foster Youth Education Rights
Information about the rights that foster youth are granted in our public schools
Homeless Youth Education Rights
Information about the rights that students experiencing homelessness are granted in public schools
Additional Resources
UC Undocumented Student Programs
Undocumented Student Programs welcomes all DREAMers, students from mixed-status families and undocu allies! No matter your immigration status or cultural background, you have an equal opportunity at UCR to get a quality education in a safe and friendly environment with resources to help you achieve your goals.
This website will help answer questions about the UC system for our undocumented students. You CAN go to college!
Virtual College Tours
This site has virtual reality tours of hundreds of colleges and universities. Check to see if the school you would like to attend or have been accepted to, is here!