Homeless Education Program
Homelessness is not a crime! Information provided to the school district on a student's or family's living situation is confidential and is only used to determine the educational rights of students, supports and services.
If you need assistance please contact our office at 909.389.2750
Educational Rights of Students in Homeless Situations
- Immediate enrollment in school, even if the student is unable to provide documents typically required for enrollment
- Transportation to and from school, according to current Board Policy
- Enrollment in school of origin, if appropriate
- Access to full participation in all school related activities and programs for which he/she is eligible
- Automatic qualification in district nutrition programs
Additional Support and Services
Academic Case Carrier (ACC) liaisons and staff will work with each individual secondary student and family to ensure the educational rights of all students are adhered to. For additional services and support, each family and student will receive assistance and/ or referrals based on individual need.
Please contact the ACC at your secondary school site or elementary counselor for information on district and community resources that may be available.
Academic Case Carrier Bios
- Under federal law, students qualify as homeless if the student:
- is living in a house or apartment with more than one family for economic reasons
- is living in a shelter or transitional living program
- is living in a motel, hotel, or weekly rate housing
- is living in substandard housing (without electricity, water or heat, like in a converted garage or shed
- is a minor or school- aged youth who is not in the physical custody of a legal guardian
Policy Resources
Administrative Regulation 6173: Education for Homeless Children