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Redlands Unified School District

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What is ELOP

Exploration Experience Logo


A free, after-school opportunity where TK-5 students can explore and engage through Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (STEAM). Physical education will be included as well.


These experiences help to broaden students' academic skills and knowledge as well as the social and emotional capacity to use their skills and knowledge competently and compassionately in life.


Immediately after each school day with an end time of 5:00PM. (Minimum Days Included)


Mentone, Franklin, Lugonia, Mission, Victoria (Your child will participate at the school they attend.)

*TK/K students may be eligible for the Boys & Girls club in lieu of this opportunity if they attend AM or Earlybird TK/K class. Additionally, PM or Latebird TK/K students may also have access to before school opportunities through Boys & Girls Club.

**Students who are enrolled in ASES or YMCA will also have an opportunity to participate in our Exploration Experience, so registration is not necessary here.