LCAP 2022-23
Local Control Accountability Plan
In January 2021, the District began the process of developing the 2021-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) in cooperation with our Educational Partners. Since 2013, California’s education funding process, known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), generates funding in three tiers. The first tier is a base program where the District receives funding based on its total enrollment. The second tier adds supplemental and concentration funding based on the unduplicated count of students identified as low-income, foster youth, and English learners. The third tier is based on either low-income, foster youth, or English learner groups that are greater than 55% of the total enrollment. Each district in California must develop an LCAP that aligns resources to programs and services benefiting all students. In addition, LCFF requires the District to identify actions that principally target low-income, foster youth, and English learners. The LCAP must align its goals to the eight state priorities: Basic Services, Implementation of State Standards, Student Engagement, School Climate, Student Outcomes, Parent Engagement, Course Access, Student Achievement, and Other Student Outcomes.
Districts must work together with educational partners representing teachers, other staff, families, students, community members, bargaining units, and administrators in the development of the plan. Please look for opportunities to provide feedback through our Thought Exchange process. Should you have ideas for measurable programs or services to be added to the LCAP please share/email your thoughts with us. We welcome our RUSD community to engage in these feedback opportunities to inform us about our continued planning.
Information contributing towards the development of the LCAP - Advisory Committee Meetings Agenda
January 12, 2023 - New Member Orientation
RUSD District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Input Meetings
Public Hearing
Redlands Unified School District Board Meeting, May 23, 2023