Priorities & Accountability
LCFF/LCAP Priorities & Accountability
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is major restructuring of how California schools receive funding. It is the most comprehensive reform of how districts receive funds in over 40 years. School districts receive a base funding which is contingent on the number of students enrolled, in addition, districts serving high-needs students receive more funds, based on the number and percentages of high-needs students they serve. Supplemental LCFF funds will support students who need it most, such as low-income students (as measured by their eligibility for free or reduced-price lunch), children in foster care and students identified as English learner. It provides us the opportunity to work together to inform how we allocate the funds to serve our students, including those who are identified as Students with Disabilities and the Gifted and Talented.
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Under the Local Control Funding Formula requirements, districts must consult with students, parents, teachers, school personnel, administrators, and the local community to develop a three year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), using the California Department of Education plan template. The LCAP is annually updated, revised and approved each year. It describes the overall vision of the district and how it will align actions, services and resources to support our students across the eight priority areas. The eight state priority areas are organized into three categories, including Conditions of Learning, Pupil Outcomes, and Engagement.
The LCAP must include a description of:
- The district’s annual goals, for all students and for each subgroup, for each of the State priority areas and any additional local priorities areas; and
- The specific actions and strategies the district will use to achieve those goals.
The State has identified the following eight priority areas:
- Student Achievement
- Student Engagement
- Other Student Outcomes
- School Climate
- Parent Involvement
- Implementation of Academic Standards, including a focus on English Learners
- Course Access
- Basic Services, including facilities, qualified teachers, and instructional materials
Examples of measures that could be included in the LCAP are performance on State and local assessments, English learner reclassification rate, percentage of students passing AP and IB exams, SAT participation and scores, attendance rates, suspension and expulsion rates, levels of parent participation and satisfaction, reports on facilities and availability of instructional materials, rate of teacher misalignment, level of implementation of CCSS, and student access and enrollment in college prep classes.
Should you have ideas for measurable programs or services to be added to the LCAP please:
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