New Student Registration
Registration Options
Online-Only Registration:
Step 1: Start by filling out the Enrollment Form online.
- The Online Enrollment Form must be completed by parent (using parent's email address)
Step 2: Parent must also complete Home Language Survey, and Supplemental Questionnaire
Step 3: Submit all required documents (listed below) in person or via email at or in person at the Enrollment Center.
In-Person Registration:
Step 1: Start by filling out the Enrollment Form online. –
Step 2: Come to The Enrollment Center and we will guide you through the process.
**Required Documents:
- Legal proof of age (birth certificate, baptism certificate, passport)
- Proof of Residence dated with the past 30 days (Utility bill (gas, electric, water, trash, cable, cell phone, etc.) showing the service address)
- Immunization Record (physician document record showing immunizations as required by the California Department of Public Health)
- Home Language Survey
- Supplemental Questionnaire
- For middle and high school students:
- Withdrawal slip from previous school
- Grades/Transcript from previous school
- Unofficial transcript required for 12th grade