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Redlands Unified School District

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Our District

Mission Statement

Redlands Unified School District, as a unifying agent of several unique communities rich in local history, culture, and tradition, is committed to preparing students to become productive participants in a diverse, multi-cultural, democratic society through quality education, high expectations, flexible programs and innovative partnerships. Our students will be empowered with the knowledge and commitment necessary to confront the challenges of our changing world, as they become the leaders of the 21st century.

Facts at a Glance

Redlands Unified School District’s sixteen elementary schools serve kindergarten through fifth grade.  
Four middle schools—Beattie, Cope, Clement and Moore—serve grades six, seven and eight. Grades nine through twelve are served by three comprehensive high schools: Redlands High School, Redlands East Valley High School, and Citrus Valley High School.
An alternative high school setting is offered at Orangewood High School.  The Redlands Independent Study (RISE) Program and the Home Education Learning Program (HELP) are also on the Orangewood campus. We also have a K-12 online school, Redlands eAcademy.  eAcademy offers free and appropriate public education in a blended learning model to students residing in the counties of San Bernardino, Riverside, Inyo, Kern, Orange and Los Angeles.

Redlands Unified School District encompasses 147 square miles and serves the communities of Redlands, Loma Linda, Mentone, Forest Falls, and portions of San Bernardino and Highland. 

Current enrollment in grades K-12 is 19,773 (CA School Dashboard).

The ethnicity of the student population is:

  •   0.2%  American Indian or Alaskan Native
  •   7.8%  Asian
  •   0.3%  Pacific Islander
  •   2.4%  Filipino
  •   55.1%  Hispanic
  •   6.3%  African American
  •   22.3% Caucasian
  •   5%  Multi

The district serves 1,626 English-language learners. Thirty separate languages comprise the home languages of these students.

RUSD Reopening Plan 23-24