CTE Pathways
What is CTE?
Career Technical Education (CTE) is an educational model that aligns high (or secondary) school and post-secondary education to labor market demand, and provides students with the technical, academic, and employability knowledge and skills they need for success. CTE prepares students for post-secondary education, the military, the workforce, and life.
In the RUSD, CTE courses are offered at Citrus Valley High School, Redlands East Valley High School, Redlands High School, and Orangewood High School, and the courses are taught by both District-CTE and CRY-ROP teachers. CRY-ROP, the Colton Redlands Yucaipa Regional Occupational Program, is one of the many Regional Occupational Centers and Programs that are public agencies of the State Department of Education and unique to California in providing quality career training. CRY-ROP also provides Career Readiness Specialists at each of the RUSD high schools and middle schools, to assist students with college and career exploration and outreach. For more information on CRY-ROP, please visit: CRY-ROP.
What is a CTE Pathway?
A CTE Pathway is a sequence of two or more CTE courses within a student’s area of career interest. Pathways are designed to connect high school classes to college, industry certifications, and/or a career, and pathway completion provides students with evidence of their college and career readiness as measured by the state College/Career Indicators. For more information on the California College/Career Indicators, please visit: CA College and Career Indicators.
In RUSD, CTE pathways exist at each of the three comprehensive high schools, CVHS, REV, and RHS. A complete listing of all the RUSD CTE Pathways can be found in the link to the right entitled, "RUSD College and Career Pathways - Parent Information."
California Career Education Informational Video from California Community Colleges on Vimeo.