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Redlands Unified School District

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GATE Qualification Process

In the Redlands Unified School District, students are identified for the GATE program toward the end of their third-grade year. Students served in the GATE program from the end of third grade through twelfth grade. 

Who will be tested for the GATE program?
All third-grade students will take the CogAT 7 (Universal Screener). The Secondary Review process will be initiated after the review of data for each universal screener and will be completed by the end of March.

The Abilities Assessments
Students will take one test in each area below using the CogAT online screener. The 3rd grade test is timed and does require some reading.

  • The Cognitive Abilities Test - Verbal Intelligence
  • The Cognitive Abilities Test - Math Intelligence
  • The Cognitive Abilities Test - Spatial Intelligence

The CogAT is proven by research studies to identify more English Language Learners and underrepresented groups as possibly eligible for gifted and talented programs.

More information about the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

Students who meet the screener threshold will be asked to complete the additional six assessments to achieve an overall composite score.

The following are the criteria used for GATE qualification:

  • STAR Reading and Math Scaled Scores from the Late Winter Screening (Scale varies depending on the grade level)
  • Benchmark #2 Scores in English Language Arts and Math 
  • CogAT Post Screener
  • A teacher and principal meeting to review the scores and make recommendations as needed

The School Site GATE Coordinator and the Site Principal will determine the screening and testing dates for the CogAT which will be offered through an online platform using licenses from Riverside Insights. Families will be notified by the school site with the screening and testing date. Students who meet the identification threshold on the screener will be invited to complete the remaining sections of the CogAT. Families and students who wish to opt out of participating must call, email or visit the school site attendance clerk.